1-8 Spon 2-8 The Junk Affair 3-8 The Burning Embassy 4-8 The Great Regent's Park Swim 5-8 The Treasure in the Tower 6-8 The Space Age 7-8 The Red Fort 8-8 The Missing Battleship 9-8 The Policy 10-8 King Solomon's Mines 11-8 The Stolen Postman 12-8 The Great British Revolution 13-8 The Plasticine Man 14-8 African Incident 15-8 The Thing on the Mountain 16-8 The String Robberies 17-8 The Moriarty Murder Mystery 18-8 The Curse of Frankenstein 19-8 The White Neddy Trade 20-8 Ten Snowballs that Shook the World 21-8 The Man Who Never Was 22-8 World War One 23-8 The Spon Plague 24-8 Tiddleywinks 25-8 The Evils of Bushey Spon 26-8 The Great Statue Debate