GREENSLADE: This is the
BBC Home Service. I would just like to say in passing to those of you who can
afford the ‘Radio Times’ that this programme bears no relation whatsoever to
the bill matter, that is to say “The Sale of Manhattan”.
GRAMS: Wailing.[2]
come, come, come dear listeners. You know – it's not that bad.
SECOMBE: Of course
not! Come Mister Greenslade – tell them the good news.
GREENSLADE: Ladies and
Gentlemen, we have the extraordinary talking-type wireless Goon Show.
GRAMS: Crowd screaming.
Boots stampeding into distance.
SECOMBE: Mmm – is the
popularity waning? Ahem.
MILLIGAN: Oh ho ho ho! Fear not, Neddie lad! We'll jolly them up with a merry
laughing-type joke show. Stand prepared for the story of ‘Napoleon's Piano.’ Ho
ho ho ho ho!
ORCHESTRA: Grandiloquent Piano
Concerto introduction. [3]
SEAGOON: ‘Napoleon's
Piano.’ The story starts in the bad old days, back in April nineteen fifty-five.
It was early one morning, and breakfast had just been served at Beaulieu Manor,
and I was standing at the window looking in.[4]
With the aid of a telescope I was reading the paper on the breakfast table, when
suddenly an advertisement caught my eye. It said…
GRYTPYPE: (With echo) ‘Will pay anybody five
pounds to remove piano from one room to another. Apply, The Bladders,
Harpyapipe, Quants.’ [5]
SEAGOON: In needle
nardle noo time I was at the address and with the aid of a piece of iron and a lump
of wood, I made this sound…
FX: Five smart knocks with metal doorknocker.
MORIARTY: Sapristi nyuckles!
When I heard that sound I ran downstairs and with the aid of a doorknob and two
hinges I made this sound…
FX: Door handle turns, door creaks open.
MORIARTY: Good morning?
Just a moment...
FX: Telephone picked up, dialling.
MORIARTY: (Sings to himself.) Di-di-di…
Yuck-a-kakka-koo… (Speaks) Hello? Air
Ministry roof?[7]
Report. Yes, yes… Thank you.
FX: Telephone hung up
perfectly right – it is a good morning.
SEAGOON: Thank you. My
name is Neddie Seagoon.
MORIARTY: What a memory
you have!
SEAGOON: Needle nardle
noo! I've come to move the piano.
MORIARTY: (Insane laugh – suddenly serious) Come
SEAGOON: (Even more insane laugh – suddenly serious) Thanks.
MORIARTY: You must
excuse my filthy hands, but I've just been washing my face.[8]
GRYTPYPE: (Approaching) Moriarty – can I borrow
your shoe? I want to read the paper.[9]
Oh, we appear to have company.
MORIARTY: (Sniggers) Ha ha ha ha ha. This gentleman
has come in answer to your advertisement.
lovely. Come in. Sit down.
SEAGOON: Thank you.
SEAGOON: No thanks, I'm
trying to give them up. [10]
GRYTPYPE: Splendid for
you. Now Neddie, here's the money for moving the piano. There you are, five
pounds in fivers.
SEAGOON: Five pounds
for moving a piano? (Laughs) Ha ha ha!
This is money for old rope.
GRYTPYPE: Is it? I'd
have thought you'd have bought something more useful.
SEAGOON: No, no – I
have simple tastes. Now, where is this piano?
GRYTPYPE: All in good
time, laddie. Now first, will you sign this contract in which you guarantee to
move the piano from one room to another for five pounds.
SEAGOON: Of course
I'll sign. Have you any ink?
GRYTPYPE: Here's a
fresh bottle.
SEAGOON: (Drinks) Gad, I was thirsty.
MORIARTY: Sapristi
indelible! Do you always drink ink?
SEAGOON: Only in the
mating season.
MORIARTY: Shall we
GRAMS: Recording of waltz.
SEAGOON: You dance
GRYTPYPE: Next dance
please. Now Neddie, please just sign the contract.
SEAGOON: Certainly.
FX: Pen on parchment.
SEAGOON: (Writing) Neddie Seagoon. A.G.G.
SEAGOON: For the
kiddies to ride on.
MORIARTY: (Blows raspberry) Pppht!
GRYTPYPE: Are you sure
you won't have a gorilla?
SEAGOON: No thanks.
I've just put one out.
SEAGOON: Now, which
room is this piano in?
GRYTPYPE: It's erm...
It's in the Louvre.
SEAGOON: Strange taste
you have.
GRYTPYPE: We refer to
SEAGOON: What what
what what what what what what what what? You mean the piano's in
SEAGOON: (Shocked) Ahhh! I've been tricked! Aargghhagghh!
FX: Thud of unconscious body hitting ground.
benefit of people without television – he's fainted.
GRYTPYPE: Don't waste
time. Open his jacket and take the weight of his wallet off his chest.
MORIARTY: Yes. A signed
photograph of Neddie Seagoon; a press cutting from the Theatre Bolton; a gramophone
record of Gigli mowing the lawn; and a photograph of Gigli singing. [11]
GRYTPYPE: He's still
out cold. See if this brings him round.
FX: Coin dropped on concrete floor.
SEAGOON: Thank you
(Sings) Comrades, comrades,
since we were boys,
each other’s... [12]
(Dazed) Ah oh ooh oh
ooh! Where am I?
SEAGOON: What number?
GRYTPYPE: 7A. Have a
SEAGOON: No, they hurt
my throat.
GRYTPYPE: Oh, naughty
SEAGOON: Wait! Now I
remember. You've trapped me into bringing back a piano from
GRYTPYPE: You signed
the contract, Neddie. Now get that piano… (suddenly
Jewish) or we sue you for breach of contract.
SEAGOON: (Leaving) Ahhhhh!
FX: Door slams.
GRYTPYPE: Gad, Moriarty!
If he brings that piano back we shall be well in the money. That piano must be
worth at least ten thousand pounds.
MORIARTY: How do you
GRYTPYPE: I've seen its
bank book. That is the very piano Napoleon played at
MORIARTY: No wonder we lost.
GRYTPYPE: Yes. With all
that moolah we can have a wonderful slap-up holiday.
BOTH: (Going off singing) April in
found a Charlie... [14]
GREENSLADE: I say, poor
Neddie must have been at his wit's end! Faced with the dilemma of having to bring
Napoleon's piano back from
FX: Knocking on door. [15]
BANNISTER: Mm-oohh! That
must be the Prime Minister at the door.
CRUN: Yes, that
must be the Prime Minister.
BANNISTER: (Calling out) Coming, Anthony – coming.[16]
CRUN: Tell him
we're very sorry.
BANNISTER: Sorry for
what, Henry?
CRUN: Well, er…
well, make something up. Anything will do.
FX: Door opens.
BANNISTER: We're very
sorry Anthony… Oh ohh-oh! You're not the Prime Minister.
FX: Door closes.
SEAGOON: Not yet, but
it's just a matter of time. My name is Neddie Seagoon.
CRUN: Do you want
to buy a white paper?
SEAGOON: No thanks,
I'm trying to give them up.
CRUN: Oh. So are
SEAGOON: I want a few
particulars. You see, I want to leave the country…
CRUN: He's going to
BANNISTER: Stop him!
CRUN: Stop him!
CAST: (Shouts and cries – continue over)
GRAMS: Punching sounds,
slaps; bring in heavy artillery, cavalry charge, distant bugle call, massed
rifle fire. Crescendo to end.
SEAGOON: Are you
threatening me?
CRUN: Now get out!
SEAGOON: I will, but
not before I hear musical saboteur Max Geldray.
Misbehaving" [18]
GREENSLADE: Seagoon was
confused – (he's not the only one.) It seems that with no more than a fiver the
cheapest way to
GRAMS: Distant waves;
ship's telegraph bell; seagull cries.
SEAGOON: Down in the
dark hold I lay – alone... So I thought.
ECCLES: (sings) I talk to the trees,
that's why
they put me away… (Continues under) [19]
SEAGOON: The singer
was a tall ragged idiot. He carried a plasticine gramophone and wore a metal
ECCLES: (stops singing) He-ello shipmate of
mine. Where are you a-goin o’er?
SEAGOON: Nowhere. I
think it's safer to stay on the ship until we reach
ECCLES: Yeah. Hey, you
going to Calliss?
ECCLES: What a
coincidence – that's where the ship's going. Ain't you lucky?! Everything's
going to be fine, fine… fine...
SEAGOON: Here – have a
ECCLES: Ooh! Thanks.
GRAMS: Two enraged gorillas
fighting. Stops abruptly.
ECCLES: Oww! Oww!
Ooh! Oww! Hey, these gorillas are strong. Here, have one of my monkeys –
they're milder.
SEAGOON: And so for
the rest of the voyage we sat quietly smoking our monkeys. At
BLOODNOK: (Distant) Arrgh!
SEAGOON: Who the
blazes are you sir?
BLOODNOK: Aeioughhh,
I'm sorry. I was.... urm.... fishing.
SEAGOON: Fishing!?
This is the thirty fourth floor.
BLOODNOK: Oh. The er…
river must have dropped.
SEAGOON: Who are you,
BLOODNOK: I've got it
on a bit of paper here. Let's have a look.... oh yes… Major Dennis Bloodnok,
late of the third Disgusting Fusiliers. O.B.E., M.T., M.T. and M.T.
SEAGOON: What are all
those M.T.s for?
tuppence on each of them. Ohh! I'm in condition tonight. Ohhh!
SEAGOON: You're acting
suspiciously suspicious. I've a good mind to call the manager.
BLOODNOK: Call him. I
am unafraid.
should I call him?
BLOODNOK: Then I will.
FX: Door opens
MANAGER:[20] Oui,
BLOODNOK: Throw this
man out!
SEAGOON: (Exiting) Ahhh!
FX: Door slams
breakfast. Kippers… toast… Oh yes. Wait – what's this coming through the
window? Flatten me krurker and nosh me schlappers! It's a fork on a pole, and
it's trying to take my kipper off my plate. Ohhhhhh! I say, who is that?
SEAGOON: (Distant) I'm sorry – I was just
BLOODNOK: What?! I've a
good mind to call the manager.
SEAGOON: Go on then,
call him.
BLOODNOK: No. No – why
should I?
SEAGOON: Then I'll
call him. (aside) Watch me turn the
tables, listeners. Ha ha ha! (calls)
FX: Door opens.
BLOODNOK: Throw this
man out of my room!
SEAGOON: (Exiting) Ahhhhh!
FX: Door slams.
SEAGOON: Alone in
Paree – I went down to the notorious Café Tom,
proprietor Maurice Ponk.[21]
GRAMS: Distant sax and
piano combo playing “Sous les toits de Paris.”[22]
SEAGOON: Inside the
air was filled with gorilla smoke. I was looking for a man who might specialise
in piano robberies from the Louvre.
GRAMS: Whoosh!
EIDELBURGER:[23] Good evening.
You are looking for a man who might specialise in piano robberies from ze
SEAGOON: How do you
listening on the radio and I heard you say it.
SEAGOON: Good. Sit
EIDELBURGER: No thank you.
I am naked.[24]
SEAGOON: Garkon?
SEAGOON: Two glasses
of English port-type cooking sherry.
SEAGOON: Now – have a
only smoke baboons.
SEAGOON: Good show!
GRAMS: Riotous cheering.
Thank you, and now back to the plot.
SEAGOON: Yes! This
piano we must steal – it's the one Napoleon played at
will be a very sticky job.
been varnished. Ho ho ho! The German joke, ja?
SEAGOON: Ha ha ha. The
English silence.
Sneeze-groin, meet me outside the Louvre at midnight on the stroke of two.
SEAGOON: What time?
clock strikes twenty past twelve. Bob and Alf Veederzoin.
SEAGOON: Veederline!
True to my word I was there dead on three.
EIDELBURGER: You’re late.
SEAGOON: I'm sorry. My
legs were slow.
EIDELBURGER: You will have
to buy another pair. Zis here is my oriental assistant Yakamoto.
YAKAMOTO:[25] Ah! I am very
honoured to meet you. Why, I don't know. Oh, boy!
SEAGOON: What does
this oriental creep know about piano thieving?
is just here to lend colour to the scene. Now Neddie, this is the map plan of
the Louvre and the surrounding streets.
FX: Large ordnance map unfolding. Continue under dialogue.
SEAGOON: Now, you take
one end of this map... That's right, unfold it.... That's the way.... (Extended improv.) It's big, isn't it?
EIDELBURGER: (Distant) Yes, it is. This bit here
shows the Rue de la Paix.[26]
SEAGOON: Good heavens,
you're miles away! Walk straight up that street, take the second on the left,
and I'll be waiting for you.
GRAMS: Car approaching at
speed; screech of brakes; skids.
EIDELBURGER: I took a taxi
– it was too far. Now we disperse and meet again in the Hall of Mirrors, when
the clock strikes twinge. At midnight we strike.
GRAMS: Big Ben striking
midnight. Wildly vary the speed.
that you, Seagoon?
SEAGOON: No, it was
the clock. Where's Tom Yakamoto?
EIDELBURGER: He's gone to
the Clochemerle. [27]
FX: Hand bell ringing
GREENSLADE: (French accent – distant) Everybody out
– closing time.
SEAGOON: Quick, hide
behind this pane of glass.
EIDELBURGER: But you can
see through it.
SEAGOON: Not if you
close your eyes!
EIDELBURGER: Gekeine gerblungen,
you are right! Are all your family clever?
SEAGOON: Only the
out, and that goes for you idiots with your eyes shut behind the sheet of
SEAGOON: You fool, you
can't see us.
GREENSLADE: Yes I can. Get
out or I call the police.
EIDELBURGER: You anti-Bismarck
swine! I shoot.
SEAGOON: No, no! Not
through the glass – you'll break it. First I'll make a hole in it.
FX: Glass breaking.
SEAGOON: There! Now,
shoot through that.
FX: Gunshot.
GREENSLADE: (Overacting) Oh – you've killed me! Oh,
foutre à
CAST: (Various raspberries, boos and hisses.)
SEAGOON: Never mind,
Walter – swallow this tin of Life-O, guaranteed to turn you to life – recommended
by all corpses and Wilfred Pickles.[29]
Forward Ray Ellington!
Roll Those Bloodshot Eyes At Me" [30]
French scene-setting music.
GREENSLADE: Part Two, in
which our heroes, their purpose almost accomplished, are discovered creeping up
to the piano.
– there is someone under Napoleon's piano trying to lift it by himself.
SEAGOON: He must be
ECCLES: (singing) Aye dye dum bye-dee… &c
SEAGOON: I was right.
Eccles, what are you doing out after feeding time?
ECCLES: I signed a
contract that fooled me – (fooled me mark you,) into taking this piano
back to
SEAGOON: What? You
must be an idiot to sign a contract like that. Ha ha. Now help me get this
piano back to
FX: Various clumps of notes all over the piano keyboard.
(Straining sounds.)
SEAGOON: No, no. It's
too heavy – put it down.
FX: Heavy thud. Add random clump of piano keys.
ECCLES: Here – it's
lighter when you let go, isn't it?
SEAGOON: I have an
idea – we'll saw the legs off. Eccles, give me that special piano leg saw that
you just happen to be carrying. (Sniggers)
Ha ha ha. Thank you. Now…
ECCLES: (Singing behind)
FX: Sawing of timber. Piece of wood falls to floor.
FX: Sawing of timber. Second piece of wood falls to floor.
FX: Sawing of timber. Third piece of wood falls to floor.
FX: Sawing of timber. Fourth piece of wood falls to floor.
SEAGOON: There! I've
sawn off all four legs.
EIDELBURGER: Strange – the
first time I've known of a piano with four legs.
ECCLES: (Puzzled) Hey, I keep fallin' down.
SEAGOON: I'm terribly
sorry Eccles. Eccles, here – swallow this tin of Leg-O, the wonder leg grower, recommended
by all good centipedes.
GREENSLADE: They managed
by sweating and struggling, to get Napoleon's piano into the cobbled court.
SEAGOON: (Which is
more than Napoleon ever did.)
BLOODNOK: Halt! Hand
over le piano in the name of
SEAGOON: Bloodnok take
off that kilt! We know you're not French.
BLOODNOK: One step
nearer and I'll strike with this fork on the end of a pole.
SEAGOON: You do and
I'll attack with this kipper!
BLOODNOK: I've a good
mind to call the manager.
SEAGOON: Call the
BLOODNOK: No. Why should
I? I… I...
SEAGOON: Very well,
I'll call him. (Aside) I'll get him
this time. (Shouts off) Manager?
FX: Door opens.
MANAGER: Oui monsieur?
SEAGOON: Throw this
man out.
MANAGER: (Blows raspberry.)
FX: Door slams.
BLOODNOK: Seagoon, you
must let me have that piano. You see I foolishly signed a contract that forces
me to...
SEAGOON: Yes, yes… We
know. We're all in the same boat. We have no money, so the only way to get the
piano back to
CAST: (Concerted heaving.)
GRAMS: Heavy splash.
SEAGOON: All aboard
HMS Piano – cast off!
ORCHESTRA: Nautical link.
ECCLES: (Distant singing from crow’s nest.)
GRAMS: Waves, distant seagulls.
SEAGOON: The log of
Napoleon's Piano, December the third. Second week in
BLOODNOK: (weak) Seagoon, take over the keyboard.
I can't steer any more.
SEAGOON: (weak) Eccles, take over the keyboard.
ECCLES: I can't. I
haven't brought my music.
SEAGOON: You'll just
have to busk for the next three miles.
BLOODNOK: Wait! Great
galloping crabs – look in the sky.
GRAMS: Helicopter in
recording of a helicopter. Saved!
SEAGOON: By St George,
saved! Yes! For those of you who haven't got television – they're lowering a
man on a rope.
BLUEBOTTLE: (Approaching) Yes, it is I – Sea Ranger
Bluebottle, direct from H.M.S. Boxer. Signals applause...
GRAMS: Wild cheering.
BLUEBOTTLE: Cease! I have
drunk my fill of the clapping.
stinking admiral, you have arrived in the nick of time.
must do my duty. (Hurriedly runs up cardboard Union Jack.) I now claim this
island for the
SEAGOON: Have you come
to save us?
BLUEBOTTLE: ...hooray!
Rockall is now British. (Cements in brass plate. Steps back to salute.) [32]
GRAMS: Body falls in water.
Splashing continues under.
BLUEBOTTLE: Help! I'm in
deep dreaded drowning-type water.
SEAGOON: Here! Grab
this fork on the end of a pole.
BLUEBOTTLE: It's got a
kipper on!
SEAGOON: Yes. You must
keep your strength up.
BLUEBOTTLE: But... but,
I'm drowning.
SEAGOON: There's no
need to go hungry as well. Take my hand!
BLUEBOTTLE: Why? Are you
a stranger in paradise?
SEAGOON: (Straining) Heeuuueeeuuueeeuuup! For
those without television, I've pulled him back on the piano.
is not a piano. This is Rockall.
SEAGOON: This is
Napoleon's Piano.
BLUEBOTTLE: No... no it
is not.
BLUEBOTTLE: No, it isn't.
SEAGOON: This is
Napoleon's Piano.
BLUEBOTTLE: No, this is
Rockall. We have tooked it, because it is in the area of the rocket testing
testing range? I've never heard so much rubbish in all my life…
GRAMS: Incoming missile.
GREENSLADE: What do you
think, dear listeners – were they standing on Rockall, or was it Napoleon's
piano? Send your suggestions to anybody but us. For those who would prefer a
happy ending, here it is.
FX: Door opens.
GRAMS: Romantic film music.
Fade behind.
SEAGOON: (Breathless) Gwendolyn! Gwendolyn!
SEAGOON: (Excited) Gwendoline – I've.. I've found
work, darling. I've got a job.
so glad for you. What is it, darling?
SEAGOON: Darling, all
I've got to do is to move a piano from one room to another.... (Insane laughter.) Hoo hoo hoo hoo ha ha
ha ha…
ORCHESTRA: Closing theme.
GREENSLADE: That was the
Goon Show, a BBC Recorded programme featuring Peter Sellers, Harry Secombe and
Spike Milligan, with the Ray Ellington Quartet and Max Geldray. The orchestra
was conducted by Wally Stott, script by Spike Milligan, announcer Wallace
Greenslade. The programme produced by Peter Eton.
YTI [33]
[1] This episode, one of the most famous
of the Goon Shows, seems to have been inspired by a remarkable incident three
weeks prior to its broadcast. On the 18th September 1955, three
officers from HMS Vidal, accompanied by a civilian naturalist, landed on
Rockall in the eastern Atlantic and proclaimed the 70ft high monolith a part of
Britain. It was the last territorial acquisition of the
187 miles due west of the St Kilda Isles and 267 miles north east of County
Donegal in the Republic of Ireland, the sea-girt rock is completely devoid of
soil or vegetation, wholly waterless, and is frequently submerged below the
tremendous swells of the Atlantic ocean. At the time,
has a most peculiar shape, and Spike most probably saw photographs of it in the
press. The summit of a long extinct volcano, the rock is shaped somewhat like a
lower incisor, with steep sides – (almost vertical in some places), a small
flat area 3 meters from the summit, and a small protuberance at the top. I
suggest that Spike decided it looked like an upended grand piano with a
Napoleonic bicorn stuck fast to the top.
absurdity of the rock, the daft actions of the Defence Department, and the
sheer lunacy and expense of landing four men from a helicopter onto this remote
pimple in the Atlantic, in order to move Rockall from International waters into
British control, (ie: from one ‘room’ to another), seems to have sent Spike
scurrying to his typewriter, its topicality displacing the already written and
announced “The Sale of Manhattan” to the position of 11th in the
script is one of the few Goon scripts published during Spike’s lifetime. Rather
than replicate the script as it appears in ‘The
Goon Show Scripts’ (Sphere Books - 1972), this version notates the
differences and departures that occurred during the performance. It also
endeavours to accurately describe the FX and GRAMS as they were performed that
evening, and attempts to regulate the punctuation.
[2] The printed script says ‘Outbreak of people sighing.’ It is
clearly wailing. (See final note p.17)
[3] The war years had produced much
bravura writing for the piano – albeit in the form of film themes. Among the
most popular of these were; ‘The Warsaw Concerto’ by Richard Addinsell, (from
the film ‘Dangerous Moonlight’ -
1941), ‘The Dream of Olwen’ by Charles Williams (from the film ‘While I live’ - 1947), ‘The Legend of
the Glass Mountain’ by Nina Rota, (from the film ‘The Glass Mountain’ - 1948), ‘Cornish Rhapsody’ by Hubert Bath,
(from the film ‘Love Story’ - 1944),
‘Portrait of Isla’ by Jack Beaver, (from the film ‘The Case of the Frightened Lady’ - 1940), and more controversially
‘Concerto Macabre’ by Bernard Herrmann, (from the film ‘Hangover Square’ - 1945.) Stott’s eloquent piano introduction seems
to be modelled on these, but with a certain amount of harmonic eccentricity to
fit with the surrounding comic material, played most likely by Dick Katz from
the Ray Ellington quartet. The published script describes it as a – ‘Very old record of a piano solo
[4] Spike probably means Palace House,
also called Beaulieu Manor, in Hampshire, the ancestral home of the Montagu
family. Beaulieu became famous in 1955 when Lord Montagu began a jazz festival
in the village. It was held annually until 1961, when the 3rd Baron
curtailed the festival after riots and because of the licentious behaviour of
the patrons.
[5] An extremely vulgar reference, saved
from the censor’s red pen by its spelling and its remote nature. ‘Harpyapipe’
means ‘up your pipe’, a vulgar but common saying nowadays shortened to ‘up
yours’; while a ‘quant’ was a punting pole with a broad flange near the end to
prevent it from sinking into the mud. (Webster’s
Revised Unabridged Dictionary 1913). The conjunction of the two images is
best left to the reader to absorb fully.
[6] P.S (published script) writes ‘Knockoes’. Spike pronounces it as above.
[7] The roof of the Air Ministry was the
centre for weather reporting. The buildings it occupied were named Adastral
House – a re-paraphrasing of the Air Force motto, ‘Per ardua ad astra’. In 1955 the newly formed Associated
Rediffusion Limited acquired the property for its newly formed broadcasting
commercial ITA channel. Those who had lived through the blitz in WWII,
considered the BBC along with the meteorological report from the Air Ministry
roof to be the mainstays of their psychological survival.
[8] The P.S. has it as “You must excuse the mess but we have the
socialists in.” It is unlikely this was in the original script.
[9] Moriarty interjects “I’m sorry – it’s on.” before Grytpype
cuts him off. The P.S. has it as ‘Mine’s
worn out.’
[10] This is the first time Milligan
tried this line. He tries it four times in this show, then also in “Rommel’s Treasure” 6/6th – (“Have a gorilla! No thanks, I’ve just put
one out;”) “The Pevensey Bay Disaster”
10/6th – (“Have a gorilla! No
thanks, this street is a non-smoker;”) and “The
[11] Beniamino Gigli (1890-1957) was the
successor to Enrico Caruso as the predominant operatic tenor of his day. With a
fabulous technique, excitable characterisations and emotional performances, he
remained the favourite of opera audiences on the continent and in the
[12] A famous Boer-War ballad, it was
written by Felix McGlennon in 1890, and continued to hold a place in popular
tradition well into the 1930’s. Spike used the idea of old war veterans begging
for their supper on a windswept pavement many times throughout his career. The
image appears in ‘The Greenslade Story’
(14/6th) and ‘The Moriarty
Murder Mystery’ (17/8th) and additionally in a series of
photographs of the cast begging on a London street in support of Harry
Secombe’s show ‘Sing A Song of Secombe’
later in the 70’s.
[13] Milligan returned to this idea in “The
[14] Lyrics by Harburg, music by Duke,
from the 1932 musical ‘Walk a Little
Faster’. Count Basie had released his famous recording of it earlier this
same year.
[15] Previous transcribers have correctly
made the observation that a piece of metal (maybe a spoon) is dropped a couple
of times during this scene. In the P.S. there is an FX here; ‘Bits and pieces dropping down.’ This is
followed by these eight lines;
CRUN: Ohh dee dee – dee, X9?
MINNIE: (off) X9 answering – who’s that calling , buddy?
CRUN: It’s me – the
Foreign Secretary. Do you know where the key to the secret documents safe is?
MINNIE: Yes – it’s with the charlady.
CRUN: Do you think that’s wise – she
has access to all the vital British secret documents.
MINNIE: She can’t read them, buddy. She
only speaks Russian.
CRUN: That’s a bit of luck.
of course, makes the following scene much clearer. As in ‘The Great Tuscan Salami Scandal’ (23/6th) later in the
series, Minnie and Henry seem to be playing members of the Foreign Office, plagued
by Prime Ministers, white papers and
Russian spies, mislaying secret documents and bits and pieces of
machinery at every point. It is not clear to me whether these eight lines were
performed that night then excised from the tape, or whether they were censored
prior to Sunday night 9th October.
[16] Anthony Eden had recently become
Prime Minister of Great Britain following the resignation of Churchill and a
subsequent general election. One of his first policy decisions was to implement
a white paper from the Defence Department proposing the introduction of
thermo-nuclear armaments in alliance with the
[17] Part of the paranoia concerning the
defection of Burgess and Maclean, members of British Intelligence and counter-
operatives for the NKVD and the KGB. They had fled to the Soviet Union in mid
1951, leaving behind a largely compromised eastern European spy network and
[18] Written in 1929 by Razaf, Brooks,
Armstrong, and Fats Waller, it is considered one of the top 50 jazz numbers
ever penned. The movie of the same name starring Rory Calhoun and Piper Laurie
had been released in July of this year.
[19] Eccles is singing a number from ‘Paint Your Wagon’, the 1951 Broadway
musical by Lerner and Loewe. The
[20] Milligan.
[21] Who had previously appeared as the
three-inch man in a matchbox in “The
Secret Escritoire” (2/6th) and who would later go on to star in
a marvellous vignette in ‘The Case of the
Mukkinese Battle Horn’ (Joseph Sterling – 1956) played by Dick Emery.
[22] From the 1930 French-German film of
the same name. The film, an international sensation on its release, is a witty
exploration of love and human foibles, told primarily through music, and
captures the flamboyant atmosphere of
[23] Sellers.
[24] P.S. had a different version of this
[25] Milligan.
[26] One of the world’s most fashionable
shopping streets, the Rue de la Paix was cut through the old medieval heart of
[27] This is a very remote reference and,
as is apparent from the audience reaction, rather a bewildering one. It is the
title of a novel written by the French satirist Gabriel Chevallier in 1934,
concerning a French provincial mayor who organises the erection of the new
public ‘pissoir’ in the centre of his small village – Clochemerle, as a means
of enshrining his civic memory for future generations, in the grand public
style of the Romans. His plan proves disastrous as he manages to antagonise
both the townsfolk, the Church and the nastiest woman in town with his inconvenient
public convenience.
Spike came to know this word is unknown, but it is probable that it was
suggested to him as a synonym for the word ‘pissoir’ – a word he knew would
never get by the BBC censors. He used the word again a second time in ‘The Evils of Bushy Spon’ (25/8th)
in exactly the same situation. It is a strange word to use, but fits in well
with his habit of using remote words in awkward situations.
[28] Literally ‘to do the door’ – ie: to
be sacked.
[29] Wilfred Pickles (1904-78) British
actor and radio presenter. A proud Yorkshireman, he pioneered the introduction
of regional accents into the BBC, and was especially famous for his long
running show ‘Have a Go’. With his
friendly, common touch, he took the show to the people, to factories, shipyards
or the High Street, where he would persuade normal people from all walks of
life to chat about the most intimate details of their lives.
[30] By Hall & Penny, 1950. The most
famous early version was recorded the following year by Wynonie Harris, the
rhythm and blues singer and forerunner of Elvis Presley.
[31] Despite Bluebottle’s beliefs,
Beaverbrook did not live in the South of France. He, along with many members of
the British establishment, maintained houses in multiple destinations, but was
domiciled in
The final territorial expansion of the
"By authority of Her Majesty
Queen Elizabeth II, by the Grace of God of
the United
Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and of her other realms and territories Queen, Head of the Commonwealth, Defender of the Faith,
and in accordance with Her Majesty's instructions dated the 14th day of
September, 1955, a landing was effected this day upon this island of Rockall
from HMS Vidal. The Union flag was hoisted and possession of the island was
taken in the name of Her Majesty. [Signed] R H Connell, Captain,
HMS Vidal, 18 September 1955."
The civilian naturalist, overcome by the emotion
of the moment, knelt down and kissed the monolith. Later, so as to affirm
published script of this episode appears in ‘The Goon Show Scripts’ (Sphere Books – 1972), released around the
same time as ‘The Last Goon Show of All’
– (which had occurred in April of that year), no doubt to take advantage of
renewed public interest in the show.
preface from the publishers on the first page says that the ‘scripts are
reproduced faithfully’. I think it is doubtful that that is the case. They show
every sign of having been tinkered with by someone – probably Milligan, in the
manner that became his hallmark. In a latter book of scripts from 1987 for
example, whole passages were rewritten, reams of jokes added and 1950’s gags
deleted, and it seems likely to me that that was also partly the case with this
earlier book of scripts.
differences between the printed script and the performance are inconsistent.
Some involve spelling mistakes, eg:
Printed script: EIDELBURGER: Now Mr. Snzeegroon…
Broadcast: EIDELBURGER: Now Mr. Sneezegroin…
lines are round the wrong way. Eg:
Printed script: GREENSLADE:
Seagoon was confused – it seems that the cheapest method of getting to
Broadcast: GREENSLADE:
Seagoon was confused – (he's not the only one.) It seems that with no
more than a fiver the cheapest way to
Whole jokes are different:
Printed script:
Good – pull up a chair. Sit down.
EIDELBURGER: No thanks – I’d rather
SEAGOON: Very well, stand on a chair.
Broadcast: SEAGOON:
Good. Sit down.
EIDELBURGER: No thanks – I’m naked.
Some of the FX’s are definitely not
what was broadcast. Eg:
Printed script:
of people sighing.
Broadcast: GRAMS:
final – and largest difference, is that there are an additional eight lines to
the Crun/Bannister scene which actually flesh out the beginning of the scene
more fully, and set the scene more clearly. (See note 12 for the full details).
only conclusion I can think of is that the script used in the 1972 book was an
uncorrected original, which did not contain the various improvements and
additions which were included in the October 1955 performance. Further to this,
I think it likely that Spike tinkered with the script a little and changed
various gags which in 1972 sounded naff on re-reading. I believe also that the
additional portion of script in the Crun/Bannister scene was probably original,
but most likely excised from the broadcast, or cut on the evening of the